In this blog we are gonna share a lot of information about watermill

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Why I Like to Visit Amriz' Watermill Everyday

My nature is like birds.I can't stay at one place even for a few hours.I used to go for walk everyday and I enjoy to walk with my best f...

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Why I Like to Visit Amriz' Watermill Everyday

My nature is like birds.I can't stay at one place even for a few hours.I used to go for walk everyday and I enjoy to walk with my best friends.when I become bore in  my home I just sent a message to my all friends and we go out for walking even if it is the mid of night but my favourite place for walk is Amriz' watermill.

Top reason of going to Amriz' watermill

God has gifted Pakistan with a lot of natural beauty.Pakistan is famous for tourism.people from all over the world come to Pakistan for tour.Famous places of tour in Pakistan are below listed.
  • Kalam
  • Malam Jaba
  • Swat
  • Maho Dan      etc.
Buner is also famous just because of its natural beauty and whole beauty is just around Amriz' watermill.The main reasons of going Amriz watermill are given below.
  • Dan of water above the mill
  • Waterfall
  • Sandas River flowing alongside

1 Dan of water above the mill

There is dan of water  above the watermill which looks very beatiful because all the come from different springs like kuddo and so on.
water dan

2 waterfall

The waterfall attached to Amriz watermill has increase the beauty of the mill.People from different villages come to the waterfall and taking pics.

3 Sandas river flowing alongside

The river flowing along the watermill has also increase the visitor of this place.This river is very beautiful.It is full  fishes.Everyday people of different places come to sandas roiver and catches tons of fishes.
river full of fish

If  you ever want to go out for walking or fishing then i suggest you to visit above mention place because it is best place for entertainment and famous for fishing.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Why Amriz' Watermill is Popular?

Peoples come from different places like Bagra,Naway kalay,Elai in short from all over the district to Amriz' watermill and bring grain for grinding.I have never seen it closed in my entire life.It works 24/7 and that why it is famous in the whole district.

Reasons of popularity of watermill

Following are the factors due to which Amriz' watermill is popular in district Buner.
  • Honest
  • Truthfull
  • Fairness
  • Working time
The runer of the watermill is extremely a poor person but he is very honest and thats why people trust on him.
As well as being honest,he is very truthful also.He always speak the truth and that is why he has great customers in number as compare to other watermill runers.
He is also ver fair.He do not lose weight and never weighs more himself and less for other peoples.In short he has all quality which a muslim should have.
Working Time
Amriz' watermill is open 24/7 which is also one of the main factors in popularity.
Note#If you ever want to grind grain then i suggest you to grind it by Amriz' watermill because it it the best.
Stay in touch with us and keep visiting this blog because i share a lot of information about this watermill.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Welcome To Amriz' Watermill

Amriz' watermill is the oldest and popular mill in all over the district.It is situated in Daggar and is just a few meter away from Barando which is flowing along it.It is on way to sunny gram.Mian Abdul ghafoor is the owner of the watermill and it was made by his father and uncles in 1990.

How watermill works

It is clear from its name that watermill uses hydropower to run water turbine or water wheel and then water wheel transfor its energy to the stone flour mill(grinder)  to rotate it and grind the flour and maize etc.

Components of watermill

Following are the main components of mill.
  • Balance
  • Water wheel
  • Stone flour mill(grinder)
It is used for measuring cereal.


Water wheel
When water fall on it.Water wheel starts rotation and as a result it gives spin motion to the stone flour mill(grinder).

Water wheel

Stone flour mill(grinder)
When the water wheel rotate the stone it grinds the cereal and change it into flour.
Mill stone